Thursday 28 February 2019

Origin of the word Obedience

 Image result for Obedience
So we all think we know what the word 'Obedience' means, don't we? It means to OBEY or to follow the instructions of someone else, which is true; however it is so much more than that. Sadly, the context of the word has been tarnished over the years and is usually linked with a negative connotation attached to it.

Obedience comes from a Latin word 'oboedire'. The first part of this word means 'in the direction of', while 'audire' means 'to hear.' Therefore, to practise obedience implies that we lean in towards someone else, listening to what they have to say. In the case of Christ-followers, we show our obedience to Christ by 'leaning into Him', eager to hear his word and what God has to say.

For me, this makes my obedience a much more active response to Christ and not merely one of being a puppet on a string.

2 John 1:6 - And this is love: that we walk in obedience to his commands. As you have heard from the beginning, his command is that you walk in love.
Living in Grace

P.S. I have been grateful to Abbot Christopher Jamison for his insightful comments on Obedience. He wrote a beautiful book entitled: "Finding Sanctuary".

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