Thursday 4 June 2015

That stinks!

Have you ever taken something out of your fridge and, upon tasting it, realise that it has taken on the aroma of others foods in the fridge? This is often with disappointing results. The science of it proves that certain foods will easily absorb the smells from other things. If you leave something for long enough in the proximity of a rotten egg or tomato, it will soon become smelly too.

Ecclessiastes 10 - "Just as dead flies make perfumed oil stink, so a little folly outweighs wisdom and honour. A wise man’s heart leads him rightly, but a fool’s heart leads him astray; and when a fool travels, he has no good sense, thus showing everyone that he is a fool. ..."

It works the same in our lives. If we spend a lot of time in the presence of people who give off "bad aroma's" then we will absorb some of their characteristics. If we spend a large portion of time in the company of "great" people, then they will influence our lives in a positive way.

So, the next time you open your fridge, think on this - who/what is permeating my world? Are they making my life better or worse? Is it not time to allow the Spirit of God to take up residence in our hearts?

2 Corinthians 2:15 - "For to God we are the aroma of the Messiah, both among those being saved and among those being lost..."

Living in Grace

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