Sunday 31 May 2015

Right in front of your eyes

I was looking all over the place for a document just now - I knew I had just seen it, but for some reason I couldn't locate it. I was turning my desk upside down trying to find it. All of a sudden, I looked down at my desk again and there was the piece of paper sitting in front of me.

It WAS the one I had been looking for.
Man was I irritated!

Why couldn't I see it in the first place? What prevented me from seeing that it was the document I needed? I honestly don't know! It could have been a number of different reasons, but thankfully I FOUND it in the end.

Is this how our FAITH works sometimes? Do we search frantically to try and locate God, when all along God is right in front of us. Or should we say, God has not moved anywhere, but we are rather distracted in our vision of Him.

1 Samuel 25:29 - "Even if someone comes along searching for you and seeking your life, your life will be bound in the bundle of life with Adonai your God."

What do you think of this?

Living in grace

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