The Soccer World Cup is here! I am so excited and blessed to be living "at such a time as this!" (Esther 4) We often focus on all the negative things that are going on in our country, but there are also many awesome things happening. I look forward to the day when my grand kids ask me what it was like to live 'in my time?' I will be able to tell them that I lived in the days of...
...no Internet and cell-phones,
...Nelson Mandela was released from prison,
...long hair was fashionable (hahaha),
...I stood in a queue to vote in South Africa's first democratic election,
...I ran into the streets to celebrate winning the Rugby World Cup in 1995,
...digital photography was a novelty,
...we used to be able to go through security check points (in airports) without taking our belts (etc) off,
...I watched us win the Rugby again in 2007 (on T.V.),
...I got to attend some games in the FIFA 2010 World Cup in the newly built Moses Mabida stadium,
...the Vuvuzela was invented,
...Facebook, Twitter, Blogger, Skype and the like, were en vogue!
Enjoy the World Cup!
Be Blessed.
Living in Grace,
P.S. My friend John wrote a cool post on the dynamics of
Competition and collaboration