Wednesday 28 April 2010


When you are watching a DVD and there is an interruption, who pushes pause on the remote?

When life is hectic and you feel as if you are juggling too many things, who gets to push pause?

In the first instance, it doesn't matter who pushes pause, as long as you don't miss the important part of the movie and to be honest, time doesn't matter.

In the second instance, we are the only people who can push pause, but we seldom do! We don't push pause because we are worried we will miss something or we say we 'can't afford to stop' or who will do my work for me?

But, here's the thing - if you burn yourself out, because you don't want to push pause, someone else will end up having to do your job, look after your kids, step in for you at Church, finish that task etc.

PUSH PAUSE! You have the remote in your hand!

"Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest." - Mark 6:31

Living in Grace,


Tyron Bache said...

Wow Delme this is so relevant for me today, you have no idea, thanks so much!

Delme Linscott said...

Please Ty -bomb
Hang in there dude.