Saturday 8 June 2024

Why do we make excuses?

Many Christians make excuses for the lack of something in the spiritual lives. We may hear someone say: "I can't share my faith because I am a shy person" or "I don't know as much about the Bible as others " or "I am not perfect." 

While all of these statements may well be true, when we speak like this, we deny the power of God's spirit to work in the "ordinary-ness" of our lives. There are plenty of Biblical examples of people who used the same excuses we do, yet they eventually allowed the power of God to change their lives. 

Take Stephen as an example: Stephen was chosen as one of the 7 new disciples because “he was a man full of the Spirit and wisdom” and we see that when Stephen surrendered himself fully to Jesus, he “performed amazing miracles and signs among the people.” (Acts 6:8) However, if you read the rest of the story, you will note that he was initially chosen to be a kitchen-worker and administrator - solving the issues that had arisen in the distribution of food. 

“Stephen, the kitchen worker, stands tall in the annals of faith as one of those men who did much for God’s Kingdom. Clearly, God doesn’t need everyone to be preachers and teachers; he just needs ordinary people who will learn from Him and be willing to be used in extraordinary circumstances.” – NLT Bible commentary

Thought: What can we do for the kingdom of God?

Living in Grace


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