Monday 10 June 2024

Prayers for post-Election deliberations

As we contemplate the outcome of the elections in South Africa and as we nervously seek a way forward, we have been asked to hold these deliberations in prayer. Here is a prayer that was given to us by the Presiding Bishop of the Methodist Church of Southern Africa. Even if you are currently living in another country, I believe the prayer is appropriate for all of us to use. Let us believe in miracles. God bless you. 

"Heavenly Father,

We come before You with hearts full of hope and faith, seeking Your divine intervention in the formation of a government of national unity in South Africa. We acknowledge Your sovereignty and wisdom over all nations and leaders.

Lord, we came together and petitioned You for peaceful elections and You answered our prayers. We seek Your face once again Lord and ask for Your guidance and wisdom to be upon our leaders as they navigate the complexities of governance. Grant them the humility to set aside personal ambitions and partisan interests for the greater good of our nation. May they be inspired by a spirit of collaboration and mutual respect, recognizing the value of each contribution towards a unified and prosperous future.

Instill in them a deep sense of justice, compassion, and integrity, so that they may serve with a heart for the people, especially the marginalized and vulnerable. Help them to listen to one another, to seek common ground, and to forge a path that promotes peace, stability, and shared prosperity.

We pray for the people of our nation, that we may support and encourage our leaders in their endeavors. Unite us in purpose and resolve, so that we may all work together towards a future where harmony, equality, and opportunity abound for everyone.

In Jesus name, we place our trust and hope. Amen."

Living in Grace


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