Monday 8 January 2024

Time is all you have

"The key question to keep asking is, are you spending your time on the right things? Because time is all you have." - Randy Pausch

Over the last week I have had the chance to do a little reading and I am grateful for the books I have managed to work my way through. One of them was "The Last Lecture" (Randy Pausch), which I decided to re-read as we begin 2024. If you don't know Randy's story, it is work taking a look at his biography. 

In a nutshell, Randy was diagnosed with Pancreatic cancer in 2006 and given 6 months to live. Suddenly, everything in his life became extremely focused - he wanted to make the most of his time left on earth and was left with some critical decisions to make. One of those was that he decided to give a series of lectures, that would be part of his legacy for his family and community. If you get to read his book, you will find it is surprisingly uplifting and very moving. 

The quote that I was drawn too (see above) fits in nicely with the verse from Psalm 90, which speaks of the same thing. 

"Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom." - v.12.

What does this say to you about your decisions for the new year?

Living in Grace



Ken Gerhardt said...

"Numbering our days" is vital in getting your heart applied to learning Biblical ways. It's no use merely sitting down every day cogitating one's demise! I learnt this lesson during my recent economic slump. If you truly apply your heart to God's wisdom each day you become effectual to His plan & purposes in your life going forward/...

Delme Linscott said...

Amen Ken - thanks for your words of wisdom and insight. God bless

Unknown said...

I second this sentiment as expressed above about learning Biblical ways, it, I believe is talking about getting to know God before you pass away too, if you perhaps do not know God and when you pass away, then where do you go to ? That s easy if you are a believer and you'd pass away in relative peace knowing that you are going to your Father in Heaven. My mother in law seems to think you get returned to the energy field of the universe which is an altogether deceived sate of mind.

Delme Linscott said...

May God bless you as you seek to keep on walking in God's ways. Grace and peace to you.