Thursday 6 January 2022

What is Epiphany and how does it change my life?

We have the word before, but what does it really mean? Epiphany!

Epiphany is the English form of word that means 'manifestation' in Greek. It is directly related to the occasion where Jesus is presented to the Magi and they offer him their gifts. It symbolises that the message of the Good News is 'manifest' or 'offered' to the Gentiles for the very first time (Matthew 2) and so this becomes a historic moment. If you would like to read a good source on the background to Epiphany you can click here. 

In our Church tradition Epiphany is also linked with the Baptism of Jesus, which is remembered at this time of the year. God's love and delight in his son are clearly made manifest in the proclamation from the heavens which says, “You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.” (Luke 3:23) 

So, how does this change my life and should I even bother remembering this feast day? The answer to this question is really up to you, but I find it helpful to mark this day as a day of Gratitude. As a non-Jewish person I am delighted that God's gift of salvation is also offered to me. I am overwhelmed that God delights in us and that God made a way for us to know Him. Of course, I don't need to wait for the 6th January to remember this glorious gift, but it does make sense to mark this occasion just after the birth of Jesus.

What are your thoughts on this? What gifts can we bring to Jesus. 

Luke 2:32 - "...a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of your people Israel.”

Acts 11:18 - “So then, even to Gentiles God has granted repentance that leads to life.”

Living in Grace


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