Sunday 31 October 2021

Which mask today? Why we choose to wear masks to hide our true selves.

I jumped into the car the other morning worrying that I had forgotten my mask. I needn't have worried as there were 3 or 4 masks lying around inside the car, some needing to be disposed of, but others ready for a wash and another day in business. As I reversed out the driveway this thought struck me: 

"Is this how we start our days albeit a little subconsciously? We think about who were are going to meet and then decide which mask we are going to wear? I am off to work so I need to put the "I'm all together" mask on. Or I am off to church so let me put the "deeply spiritual" mask on? Or we are going out to be with acquaintances so the most suitable mask will be the "I am fine" mask. Is this how we live our lives?"

The trouble with living like this is that we get caught up in changing the masks all the time, until eventually we wear the wrong mask at an awkward time and suddenly we feel exposed. We can't keep up the pretence forever.

I am thankful that God knows who we are even before we put the masks on and that Jesus doesn't require us to pretend when we come to him. We are invited to come 'as we are' and God will embrace us in that moment. 

Joshua 7:19 - “My son, give glory to the Lord, the God of Israel, and honour him. Tell me what you have done; do not hide it from me.”

Genesis 28:15 - "I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.”

Living in Grace


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