Tuesday 19 October 2021

Out of the shadows

Shadows in Cinema: A Complete Guide to Using Shadow in Narrative Filmmaking  & Video Projects • Filmmaking Lifestyle

Most of us reading these words are familiar with the idea of the Incarnation - God becoming flesh and living amongst us. Sadly, this idea loses its magnitude in the fog of our religious language and rhetoric. This morning I was reading these words from Leonardo Boff and the image of the Incarnation struck home again:

"God has left the resplendent shadows of an inaccesible abode and now draws near the murky light of the human race. God enters the conflict, takes up the cause of the conquered and the marginalised against the mighty...the mercy of God is not reserved for the end time alone."

Question: Why would God leave the glorious light of His abode to come close to the dingy light of planet earth?

Answer: For us. 

John 1:14 - "And Christ became a human being and lived here on earth among us and was full of loving forgiveness and truth."

Living in Grace 



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