Saturday, 29 October 2016

All good things come at a great cost

I have had the privilege of attending the Global Leadership Summit this weekend. I find that there is always some inspiration from the talks and they always challenge me to become a better leader, Christ-follower and Pastor. One of the many brilliant speakers this year was John Maxwell. I have read many of his books and so to see his talk was special. There was something in his talk that really struck a chord with me - it is simple, but a timely reminder to me. He said something along the lines of this:

"All good things come at a great cost." (Achieving your goals is like driving uphill - it is hard and can be tough going.)

Of course, he is right. Why would anything 'good' come at zero effort and cost? In a business sense this speaks about how achieving anything significant is going to mean blood, sweat and tears. In personal relationships, it will be the same. And the same applies for our Spiritual lives - having a great relationship with Jesus comes at a great cost - and this was all paid for by Christ himself.

So, before you give up on the 'uphill' challenges of your life, ask yourself if pushing through the tough times will not be worth it in the end.

Living in Grace

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