Sunday 11 January 2015

Thanks, Ta, Ngiyabonga, Dankie

Perhaps I don't say it enough, but I really do think it on a daily basis ..... "Thank You!"

Thanks, Ta, Ngiyabonga, Dankie....

I am touched that you would take the time to read my daily thoughts and even to pass them onto others. I salute you and thank you. It is because of you that I am committed to writing as often as I can and I look forward to sharing more during the coming year.

Writing is a deeply personal journey and I recognise that my thoughts and insights may not be agreeable to you - but thank you for still reading. Since I wrote my first post, way back in 2007, it has been my desire to encourage us in our Christian walk. I have been touched by the Grace of Jesus and in this small way, I seek to give back to him.

"God was so gracious, so very generous - here I am and I am not about to let his grace go to waste." - 1 Corinthians 15:10

So, thanks again for being part of the experience. Please try and respond or reply if there is something that means a lot to you. It may only mean replying once in a while, but it does offer some encouragement for me. As my friend, John van der Laar says - "It is food for the road!"

Also remember that the blog is FREE, so you are welcome to pass it onto anyone you like. You can sign them up yourselves by going to the blog or just send me and email and I am happy to help out.

God bless and may 2015 be a blessed year for you.

Living in Grace

P.S. - I also wanted to say a MASSIVE thank you to all of you who prayed for our family over this weekend. We had an unplanned trip to the Emergency rooms with our son Nathan, but 'Thank God' all is ok now. God is indeed very good. 

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