Tuesday 14 October 2014

Bee in your bonnet

The phrase, 'having a bee in your bonnet' has been around for a long time. Some people claim that it originated in Alexander Douglas's Aeneis in 1513 - that is 500 years ago. That is a really long time for a saying/idiom to carry on in circulation.

Anyway, regardless of its origins the idiom speaks of being 'preoccupied or even obsessed by an idea or situation.' If someone speaks continuously on a certain issue or pet topic, then we would suggest that they have a bee in their bonnet. Of course, this can be taken in both a positive or negative light. We can get a 'bee in our bonnet' over things that are not necessarily important or even spiritually significant.

When Saul was persecuting Christians he become obsessed by his desire to get rid of the people who were following this 'new' religion:

"Many a time I went from one synagogue to another to have them punished, and I tried to force them to blaspheme. I was so obsessed with persecuting them that I even hunted them down in foreign cities." - Acts 26:11

In the end, the bee in his bonnet became a destructive force and many innocent people were killed by his actions.

I know that I often get a bee in my bonnet over certain things, but I guess I want to caution us from allowing these 'preoccupations' from becoming a destructive force in our lives.

What is the Bee in your bonnet today? Is it being constructive or destructive? What are you going to do about it?

Living in Grace

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