Wednesday 23 January 2013

I Promise

We have all been let down by broken promises before - the pain may even still linger with some of us. After all when someone says, "I promise you", we tend to believe them, especially if they are family or close friends.

Have you ever stopped to think how God may feel when we break our promise to Him? Does God just laugh it off, or is there a little stab of pain in His chest too?

This Sunday, we are inviting our community to renew our promises (Covenant) with God. It is usually a special time of reflecting on our faith and relationship with Jesus. Reaffirming our Covenant with God means consciously choosing to re-commit my life to God. It doesn't have to mean that I have drifted off the path or that I am in a desert place, but it is a glorious opportunity to say to Jesus..... "I DO!"

"Losers make promises they often break. Winners make commitments they always keep." -
Denis Waitley

May you renew your promises to God on a daily basis.

 Please feel free to respond to any of the posts - I love getting feedback - some of you have been far too quiet lately:)

Living in Grace

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