How is this for irony? Just as I posted yesterday's prayer for 'peace of mind' my laptop crashed! A hectic virus gate-crashed my computer, somehow getting past all the anti-virus software and 'walls' of protection that I had in place. I was totally gutted by this invasion and I felt violated. I didn't give anyone permission to trash my computer and how on earth did they 'find' my world in the first place - I am still feeling a little shaken by this incident.
Sure, it is only a computer, but it is symbolic of other 'violations' we experience. When thieves steal our cars (or radio's from the cars), or break into our homes or even physically endanger us, we feel violated and abused. This kind of invasion is even more traumatic than a computer virus crashing our systems, yet they both leave us feeling traumatised.
In a split second some people lose all their earthly possessions or dignity. In a split second, a virus from the blue stole my documents, photo's and emails. They are gone, floating somewhere in a world I can't get to. I am disappointed and angry.
Anyway, having had a day to reflect on this incident, I feel God has given me some insights that may be helpful to share:
1. I may have lost my 'stuff', but I still have loads to be thankful for. I have my health, my family, my friends and my church community.
2. The world still has people that only seek to destroy the good that exists - being a believer doesn't mean these people won't try and impact our lives. (I would have to preach on 'loving your neighbour' today - aaaah, so hard to to into practice after this incident!)
3. People have survived for centuries without computers, email and internet and I can survive too! (I know it's hard to remember a world without these things, but it did exist:)
4. God's faithfulness has not changed and His love is still constant in the midst of this mess.
5. Back up! Back up! Back up! Back up! Back up! (You know what I mean!)
May your week be better than the way mine has started. God is still sovereign - I promise you:)
Living in Grace