Friday 6 August 2010

Give me sense

Somethings just make sense. For example, when you buy a steaming hot cup of coffee from a take-away and the lid says, "Be careful. Hot Coffee!" That makes sense to most of us, but clearly someone has got 'burnt' before, hence the need for the warning.

God's word and commands also make sense and they are given to us to prevent us from getting 'burnt.' Sadly, many people think they know better and have chosen to ignore God's direction. That doesn't make sense to me, but then again, people are people!

Listen to what Psalm 119:73 says,
"You made me; you created me.
Now give me the sense to follow your commands."

Just like the message on the hot coffee is to protect us, so it is the same for God's word. God wants to lead us into a life that is 'best for us.'

May we have the sense to follow God's commands.
Living in Grace,

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