Friday 11 October 2024

Consider the birds

Following on from yesterday's post, where we spoke about being focused on Jesus, we take note of another place in the Bible, where this word is used. The writer to the Hebrews made use of the word 'katanoein', which is the same word Jesus used when he spoke to his followers:

"Think about the ravens! They neither plant nor harvest, they have neither storerooms nor barns, yet God feeds them. You are worth much more than the birds!" - Luke 12: 24

This is a call for us to do more than simply allow our brains to tick over, but rather it is a challenge to 'look and learn.' It is an invitation to 'consider' the example of the ravens or to be focused on what God does for them. Once we have done this exercise we will learn another spiritual insight, which will help us move forward in our faith.

Action: Are you able to find 2 minutes to 'consider the birds of the air' and to reflect on what this says to you about God's love for all of us?

Living in Grace


1 comment:

Ken Gerhardt said...

Not only the Ravens but also seagulls flying overhead the whales visiting our little FHoek Bay. His 'Glory'. His 'Creation', His every detail stops one in our tracks with wonderment... EISH!