Monday 30 July 2018

Forced out the comfort zone

Whether we are conscious of this or not, most of us have a "comfort zone." Once we are settled in this place, it is hard to get us to budge anywhere. When we look at the early disciples, they were not afforded the luxury of staying in their 'comfort zone' for long, as they were forced to move beyond the borders of Jerusalem. One shudders to think how the gospel would have spread to the 'ends of the earth' if these believers were not 'forced' to leave.

Acts 8:4 -Forced to leave home base, the followers of Jesus all became missionaries. Wherever they were scattered, they preached the Message about Jesus.” (Message)

Reflection: God is able to take a potentially painful experience and turn it into something that honours his Kingdom and brings hope to others. Though we may not enjoy the discomfort, God is gracious enough to keep his eye on us at all times and to use all circumstances for our benefit (Romans 8).
Living in Grace

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