Monday, 9 June 2014

Beautiful Outlaw

Jesus is a Beautiful Outlaw!
Well, now that I have got your attention let me explain myself. I have been re-reading a great book with the same title - "Beautiful Outlaw!" (written by John Eldredge). In this book he shares about the character of Jesus and how Jesus changes our lives.

The word 'outlaw' conjures up all sorts of images in our minds (Robin Hood etc), but here are a few helpful definitions of this word: a non-conformist or a rebel (which he was seen as by the authorities).

Here is another one:
" outlaw is declared as outside the protection of the law. In pre-modern societies, the criminal is withdrawn all legal protection, so that anyone is legally empowered to persecute or kill them." 
Because Jesus went against the grain of all religious norms, he was considered an outlaw and the authorities used their power to Crucify Jesus. 

Even if we struggle to get our minds around Jesus being an 'outlaw', recognising him as 'beautiful' should be a little easier. Although, having said this, calling Jesus beautiful has nothing to do with his appearance, but rather to do with his nature. For me, Jesus is 'beautiful' because he is gracious, merciful, forgiving, humble, strong, unselfish and compassionate.

Today, as you go about your tasks, reflect on these two words - Beautiful and Outlaw. What does God say to you about these images?

Living in Grace

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