We are so used to bad service in South Africa, that when we encounter 'good service' we are left feeling elated. I feel that we complain about the inefficiency we experience (and rightly so), but we seldom say thank you when things run smoothly. I want to pass on 2 'good service' stories.
A few weeks ago I had a problem with the car. It just wouldn't start the one morning and so I decided to call my Insurance company - what made me phone them first I can't explain, but I did. They confirmed that I was covered for breakdowns, even at home, and within 20 minutes someone was at my gate and fixed the problem. This cost me nothing. I was gobsmacked, but totally grateful.
On Wednesday I had to hand in some marriage documents at Home Affairs. As you can imagine, I headed off there with much despondency, expecting a long morning. As I arrived I discovered that they were renovating and that the marriage department had moved across the hall. No problem, I thought, this will be OK. As I walked along the corridor I saw queues of people and in the back of a crowded room was the lady I needed to hand my forms to. My heart sank. I realised I would be there all day waiting for one signature.
At this point I was disappointed I hadn't worn my clerical collar (as it can work miracles some times). There I was, just a plain clothed civilian desperate to jump the queue. Trying to be proactive I introduced myself to the security guard and without blinking an eye, she took me to the lady concerned. I handed over my documents, got the signature and was gone. I was so grateful to that amazing lady. She made my day.
So, I just want to continue this theme and say a massive THANK YOU to all of you who bother to read my ramblings. Your many comments via email, inspire me to write more. May God bless you this day.
Living in Grace,