Saturday, 18 April 2009

Surprise me God!

I am sharing on Sunday about Jesus being the 'God of Surprises.' In my reading I have come across a book by Terry Esau called 'Surprise me God!' It is actually a 30-day Faith experiment, where he challenges himself to pray these 3 words for 30 days - "SURPRISE ME GOD!" Now, there is a thought! Perhaps we will all live with an increased awareness of the miracles of Jesus and of the truth that he wants to burst into our world with marvellous revelation. When we reckon that we have God all figured out or we assume that he won't reveal himself in a certain way, then I fear that we have become numb to the God of Surprises. I am not always good at doing these 30 or 40 day challenges, but why don't you join me in praying this prayer today... 'Surprise me God!'
Waiting on you Jesus,
Living in your Grace.

1 comment:

Tyron Bache said...

quite a challenge there D but looking forward to it:D new blog layout looks cool man! did u do it all yourself? great to see some posts, keep it up!