Saturday 4 April 2009


I'm screaming - can you hear me? What, you can't hear me? ... Can you hear me NOW? Of course you can't hear me - silly me - for a moment there I thought that my words may have reached your ears. By the way, there are a few of you curious people who want to know why I am screaming, don't you? I am screaming because of 'People.' Not just any 'people', but 'people' who call themselves BELIEVERS, CHRIST-FOLLOWERS & CHRISTIANS. I have seen enough evidence this passed week of why many unchurched people don't want to step inside a Church - it is because of 'people!' It is no wonder that Jeremiah wrote in Jeremiah 17:9 – “The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?” Don't worry about me I will survive my disappointment in 'people.' We should rather be worrying about those potential Christ-followers who have been damaged by the witness they have seen. Lord, have mercy on all of us - we are sinners in need of your Grace! Friends, live in Grace, but please let's hold people accountable to the witness they profess.
Living in Grace,

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