Thursday 30 July 2009

Feeling Thirsty?

Most of us reading this post are fortunate to live in a world where if we are thirsty we get ourselves something to drink. Whatever our 'drink of choice' is, we find something to quench our thirst - we make a plan!

So why is this not always the case when we 'thirst' for the things of God? We don't always consciously think "I need to allow God to quench my thirst!" We know this to be true, but our last resort is make time to drink from the well of the Spirit.

I am like this at times. I think that if I push myself a little more, then I will somehow be satisfied. That is so illogical, really. If an athlete is running a marathon and they are feeling dehydrated, they would be foolish to carry on running without taking in some fluids - it is dangerous to do this.

The same thing applies in our spiritual lives - it is dangerous to carry on running the race unless we have been 'Hydrated' by the Spirit.

Jesus said - "Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, 14but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life." (John 4:13)

Drinking from the well of Grace,

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