Monday, 20 January 2025

We believe! - A reflection on Jesus' miracle in Cana

After spending the last few days reflecting on Jesus' first miracle in Cana - the turning of the water to wine, I decided to try and sum up my response in a piece of prose. I hope that it makes sense. If not, then you are welcome to read the passage again (John 2:1-11) or to watch the sermon on this platform.

If you a moment, please let me know what you think. Thank you. 

Living in Grace


Dear Jesus, loyal friend and miracle worker,
Giver of signs and undeserved grace.
We invite you into the feast of our lives,
But we confess we have little to offer you.
The wine has run out and the vessels are empty.
We have searched and searched for more, but to no avail.
We plead with you to send your Spirit to rescue us.
We believe that your wisdom will meet the needs of our desperate plight.
Rescue us from the great shame of our embarrassing mistakes.
And return to us the abundant joy of your deep grace.
Fill again the cavernous vacuum of our hearts,
So that your gift of love runs over the edges of our lives.
And after all this has been accomplished, 
we know that some may sadly continue to revel in their ignorance,
But we will boldly proclaim: “Thank you Jesus. We believe!”

1 comment:

Dan Hunter said...

Thanks, what a prayer! I echo it