Saturday 23 December 2023

I have asked of the Lord

One of the ancestors of Jesus is Shealtiel (Matthew 1:12). We so often skip over the genealogy of Christ, without taking much notice of these people, which is a little sad, as they are very intriguing characters. 

In the light of Christ's Advent, I wanted to draw attention to the meaning of his name (Shealtiel), because I think it is significant for us. His name means: I have asked of the Lord. We can only assume that his parents had prayed for a child and when Shealtiel was born, they saw it as an answer to prayer.

The birth of Jesus Christ is the answer to millions of prayers, spanning numerous generations. We all long for a Saviour to redeem us from the mess of the world. Jesus is the Hope of the world, and we are given the great opportunity to place our lives into his hands.

May the birth of Jesus Christ, be the answer to all your prayers. 

May you experience some of the Hope, Peace, Joy and Love of Christ this season. 

Living in Grace


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