"When Herod died, an angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt and told him, "Get up and take the child and his mother back to the land of Israel..." - Matthew 2:19-20
Josephus recorded that Heord died of a mystery illness that plaqued him for many years. It was later referred to as Herod's Evil. Isn't it ironic that the very person who could have healed Herod was the one that he hated and tried to kill. Herod misunderstood the reign of the new King (Jesus) and allowed his advisors and his own evil nature to torture his soul.
In our journey through Lent let us spend time understanding the true purpose of Christ and the gift that He brings to us. If we feel threatened by Jesus then it says something about our desire to hold onto our personal thrones and kingdoms. Lent teaches us to let go and to trust in God's rule.
Allow yourself the freedom to remove your crown and to cast it at the feet of the true King.
Living in Grace
Such a wonderful insight into the real reason for the time of Lent. We so often forget that God wants us to let go of our worries so that He can work in our lives. Thanks Delme for your wonderful encouragement and wise words.
so great to hear from you Annette. God bless and love to the family. Delme
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