Sunday, 4 September 2016

It needs more than a GOOD Idea

There are many wonderful ideas out there. People come up with weird and brilliant suggestions to change the world or to make life easier. Good intentions get us started onto the path of changing our city or country, but sadly many of these ideas remain just that .... random thoughts in the mind of someone.

Ideas only become reality when people put these thoughts and ideas to work. Can you imagine what the world would have been like if God had thought - "It would be a good idea to send a Saviour to planet Earth", but then God didn't actually do anything about it?

Or imagine Jesus thinking this - "I should get together a group of people who will follow me and then I can teach them the ways of my Father!" But, in the end, Jesus forgets about this Idea and lives out his days working as a carpenter!

There is an old saying that goes like this: "The road to hell is paved with good intentions."As you reflect on this, ask the Lord to prompt you into action. What ideas has God given you that need to come to LIFE!? Remember this: It takes more than a Good Idea to change the world - it requires some action!

Living in Grace

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