Wednesday 2 March 2011

Too busy?

In an interesting article on "Why people leave the Church?" the following statistic comes up.

"Thousands of people are leaving the Church every month because they are too busy!" Many of these people have no issues with Jesus, the Church or even the Pastor, but they are simply too exhausted to attend Church on Sundays. I found this article to be very challenging and if I am honest there are some weeks where I can relate 100% - life is hectic!

The difficulty I have with this 'fact' is what it says about our priorities and our growth in the Faith. Sure, we don't have to be in Church 52 weeks a year to grow in our Christian journey, but being part of the 'body of Christ' means connecting with other believers - 'iron sharpens iron', as they say.

The other thing that troubles me is what it says about how we view God. Perhaps we have softened our image of God to allow ourselves to believe that He will understand if I am too tired to go to Church - He loves me all the same. While, God's love for us is unquestionable, we mustn't think that God is a fool. Jesus was often challenging people to 'count the cost' of being a disciple. God does forgive us and God doesn't want our faith to become 'religious' (like the Pharisees), but Jesus would also challenge us about our priorities.

If I say I am too tired for Church, but I have energy for everything else, what am I subtly saying about my relationship with Jesus? If we applied the same principle with our families, we wouldn't get away with it (well, I wouldn't!) - What if I said to Kim or the kids?: "I'd love to chat with you or catch up, but I am too tired after working a long week!" This response clearly shows what has my great attention.

What do you feel about being too tired to go to Church? I'd love to know your thoughts?

Living in Grace


Phil Davies said...

Yes I admit it, there have been Sundays that I have found "valid" reasons, to not attend church. The funny thing is that while sitting and "relaxing" with the newspapers (delivered each week)I find my eyes being drawn to the clock and feeling more and more guilty as the service start time passes.
So in the end you get no pleasure at all from your extra time!

Delme Linscott said...

That's an interesting observation Phil. I like your honesty. I am the same.