The question that Jesus asked Andrew and John immediately cut to the heart of the matter. Jesus certainly puts them in a spot, but it is a question that echoes throughout the ages. What do we really want?
looked around and saw them following. “What do you want?” he asked
them." - John 1:38
It is a question that invites self-examination, and I don’t believe that Jesus asked it in a condescending tone at all. Some translations have
put the question as “what are you looking for?” or "what are you seeking?"
Let us try and picture the scene for a moment – the two disciples have moved away from John the
Baptist (their teacher) and for a moment they are caught in no-man's land. Should they follow the 'Lamb of God' or should they stay with John?
Jesus senses they are edging closer to him, and he gets to the heart of the matter:
What do
you guys really want? What is going on in your heart? What are you searching for?
In truth, many disciples followed their teachers or leaders for any number of reasons: Were these two guys looking for a new career. Or a military Saviour? A security blanket? A person to debate with and do a little theological sparring?
Or was there a deeper desire that drove them to seek Jesus out?
And what about us? How do you answer that question today?
What are we wanting from Jesus?
Living in Grace
P.S. If you missed out on listening to the sermon based on this Question, you are welcome to click on this link.