Thursday 17 March 2011


Everyday on my way to the church, I pass a house that is doing external alterations. I always wonder when the job will be finished. The things is, they have been working on this building for 4 years now - the work seems slow! Or maybe there is no more money for building. I would love to know the real reason for the delay, but this image reminds me of this verse in Scripture.

Luke 14:28 - “Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won’t you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it?"

Often we start something because it seems a good idea, but we soon realise that we can't follow through with it. Some people do the same with their faith - they are excited about following Jesus, but soon they grow tired and give up. Is this us?

May God strengthen you and help you to finish the task at hand.

Living in Grace,

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