Monday 10 September 2018

Jesus Sighs

I know that the shortest verse in the Bible says, "Jesus wept" (John 11:35). However, this last Sunday our lectionary reading reminded me that Jesus seemed to accomplish a lot in simply Sighing!

"He looked up to heaven and with a deep sigh said to him, “Ephphatha!” (which means “Be opened!”)." - Mark 7:34

It was as if Jesus said an awful lot in just taking a breath. In some ways we do the same. A sigh can communicate a lot. Katy Stenta reflects on this when she writes: 

“Jesus sighs. What a human sound. My husband and I sigh, we sigh in happiness, exhaustion, hopelessness and worry. When in doubt, we breathe. When I’m in a good place I turn my breath into prayer, breathe in the Holy Spirit, breathe out the stress. But oftentimes my sigh is just a expellation of air, a sound of my complete and entire humanity, an expression of those feelings and thoughts I’m having trouble putting words around.”Katy Stenta

If you ended up "sighing" today, please remember that God understands, even if others don't.

Living in Grace

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