Monday 27 November 2017

A healthy Forgetfulness

We all forget things at times, don't we? Sometimes the things we forget about are not that important (in the bigger scheme of things), but others are extremely important. I love the concept that John Ortberg shares about the trait of humility, where he refers to us learning a "healthy forgetfulness." 

This is a concept that moves us away from self-importance, self-indulgence and making everything about "ME." It is harder than most of us admit, but when we can start thinking more of others, than about ourselves, we are becoming more and more healthy - certainly in a spiritual sense.

“Humility has to do with submitted willingness. It involves a healthy forgetfulness. We will know we have begun to make progress in humility when we find that we get so enabled by the Holy Spirit to live in the moment that we cease to be preoccupied with ourselves, one way or the other. When we are with others, we are truly with them, not wondering how they can be of benefit to us.”John Ortberg

Matthew 23:12 - For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.
Living in Grace

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