Monday 10 April 2017

Prayer of a True leader

In the context of great political upheaval, as well as the greatest week in the Christian calendar, it seems appropriate to consider a prayer of true humility. I believe that leadership is a huge gift, responsibility and burden, but we should bear it with Christ-like humility. Jesus' attitude of obedience and humility won him billions of followers - so, surely we would do well to emulate his heart. This prayer is adapted from a prayer written by William Barclay.
"O Father, give us the humility which realises our ignorance,
Admits our mistakes, 
recognises our need, 
welcomes advice,
Accepts rebuke. 
Help us always to praise rather than to criticise,
To sympathise rather than to discourage, 
to build rather than to destroy,
And to think of people at their best rather than at their worst.
This we ask for thy name’s sake. Amen."
–  Prayer adapted from William Barclay

Living in Grace

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