Thursday 18 August 2016

Let me ask you something?

If you are reading this post, then let me begin by saying THANK YOU. There are a lot of other blogs or devotions you could be reading, so I am humbled that you take a few minutes to read 'Living in Grace' when you do. But, I would like to ask you something?

How can I improve on these posts?
Is there something else that you would like me to include, that you feel is missing at the moment?

I would obviously love you all to keep reading these posts indefinitely, but I would like you to be drawn to them on a daily basis - so, if you have a suggestion, please reply to this post or email me ( - I am LISTENING :)
"I love doing what I do. I love asking questions. I love being in the mix." -  Larry King

"When you stop learning, stop listening, stop looking and asking questions, always new questions, then it is time to die." - Lillian Smith

Read more at:
Living in Grace


4 comments: said...

I read your Blog everyday and everyday I enjoy it. I am always able to relate to your posts they are current and have a new safe for everyone. Sorry, I have suggestions..... said...

The last part should read "have a message for everyone" said...

The last part should read "have a message for everyone"

Delme Linscott said...

Thanks so much Henry - I appreciate it. God bless, Delme