Friday 15 April 2016

We are not as Invincible as we think

Today marks the anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic. The 15th April 1912 will go down as the day 1500 passengers aboard the "unsinkable" Titanic died in the icy waters of the Atlantic Ocean. If you would like to read some interesting facts about the Titanic go to this link and enjoy the article.

The reason I am reminding us of this fateful day in Nautical history is because the Titanic will always confirm that "people are not as invincible as we think we are!" This ship was lauded as being "practically unsinkable" and no one believed it would end in the way it did. As humans, we got arrogant and with this pride, we fell into the age-old trap of self-reliance. We thought we had it all covered, but there were a few things that the owners, engineers and builders had neglected to check out. The most obvious one being the number of life boats on board the Titanic - there were only enough boats for 1 out of 3 passengers!

Although I believe we can  'do all things through Christ who strengthens us' (Philippians 4:13), I do feel that we need to maintain proper perspective. As a human being, I am deeply loved by Jesus, but I am not Invincible. In fact, the sooner we realise that "we are not God" the better for us all. It will be the pride of humanity that we lead to our ultimate demise.

What do you think?

Proverbs 16:18 - "First pride, then the crash— the bigger the ego, the harder the fall" (Message)

Living in Grace

2 comments: said...

I agree, there are too many big "Ego's" in our society at the moment....In politics, business, sport,schools....many people have been hurt by these "Ego's". The sad thing is how often God's name is falsely quoted to justify these "Ego's ". Remember everything has an expiry date and there is always a fresh and better replacement. Only God is for ever... Amen said...

I agree, there are too many big "Ego's" in our society at the moment....In politics, business, sport,schools....many people have been hurt by these "Ego's". The sad thing is how often God's name is falsely quoted to justify these "Ego's ". Remember everything has an expiry date and there is always a fresh and better replacement. Only God is for ever... Amen