Wednesday 24 June 2015

Living Oceans Apart

I had the privilege of sharing in a workshop last week on the topic of dealing with having loved ones/friends living far away from us. A few years ago I wrote the book, Living Oceans Apart, which deals specifically with this topic. What is interesting is that the emotion attached this topic has not lessened over the years - in fact, for many people, it has just intensified. It was heart-wrenching to hear some of the stories of people struggling through the pain of missing their kids and grandkids.

It reminded me that just when we think we are struggling with a particular issue, there are likely many others dealing with the same pain. I kept coming back to the words I read in one of Trevor Hudson's books, where he spoke of every person sitting beside their own pool of tears. Our emotions may be raw and sensitive, but there will always be others dealing with similar hurt and pain.

“Never forget that everyone you meet sits by a pool of tears.”- Trevor Hudson

Just remember today that there are others who are"in the same boat" as you. Pray for each other and support each other. We all need a friend to lean on in tough times.

Living in Grace

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