Tuesday 28 April 2015

Dealing with disappointment

We all face disappointment at some stage in our lives. It usually comes when we least expect it and we are ill prepared for it. Take the following scenarios as examples of disappointment:

  • losing your job
  • the end of a relationship
  • a broken dream
  • failing an exam
  • getting bad news from the doctor
  • a broken promise
  • an unanswered prayer
  • __________________
  • __________________
I am not sure what disappointment you are dealing with at the moment, but remember that God is with us in these times of trial. Even though Jesus knew the 'frailties' of humanity, before he even called the disciples to follow him, I am sure he was greatly disappointed when they let him down.

Revelation 5:4 - "Then I wept with disappointment..."

Proverbs 13:12 - "Unrelenting disappointment leaves you heartsick, but a sudden good break can turn life around."

ACTION: So, what do you do when you are faced with disappointment. We can't continue to wallow in our own self-pity. Here is a wonderful suggestion from the Bible.

Samuel prayed his disappointment and anger..... YES, you did read correctly - He prayed it! He expressed it - He told God how he felt - He grieved - He vented - He allowed himself the freedom to speak it out. It was in doing this that his healing started.

"Samuel was angry when he heard this. He prayed his anger and disappointment all through the night." - 1 Samuel 15:11-12

Don't dwell on your disappointments - pray them out loud!

Living in Grace

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