Monday 9 March 2015

Lent #11 - Refreshing others

"A generous person will prosper, he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed." - Proverbs 11:25

In the rush of our lives, we often miss the opportunities to encounter other people and to offer them God's grace. We are so introspective that we don't even notice the needs of those around us. Jesus encouraged us to 'love our neighbours as we love ourselves', which points us to look around at our 'neighbours' and to pay attention to them.

When we offer God's love and grace to others we end up refreshing them and encouraging them on the journey of faith. In doing this, we also end up being refreshed too.

“…the everyday practice of being with other people is the practice of loving the neighbour as the self.”Barbara Brown Taylor

Action: Take a quick look around your circle of influence today. Notice who is around you and what some of their needs might be. Is there a way that you might be able to refresh them with love and grace today?

Living in Grace

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