Friday 14 March 2014


Have you ever pictured God's Love as a flowing river or waterfall? If you imagine standing at the Victoria Falls (or even at the Howick Falls in the Midlands) and watching the water flow over the falls - it is a visual reminder of God's constant love. As water falls down to the pools below, so it is replaced by more water at the top - a continual cycle of life-giving water.

And so, God's love falls upon us, day in and day out. We may not notice it today, but it is still there and it will keep flowing. May we take the time to notice the love of God this week.

"You are a waterfall of unceasing Love." - Thomas a Kempis

In some translations of Thomas a Kempis' "The Imitation of Christ, the word for waterfall is actually 'Fountain'. This reminds me of the following old hymn.

"Come thou fount of every blessing
Tune my heart to sing thy grace
Streams of mercy never ceasing
Call for songs of loudest praise
Teach me some melodious sonnet
Sung by flaming tongues above.
Praise His Name I'm fixed upon it
Name of God's redeeming love."
- Robert Robinson (aged 22)

Living in grace

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