Tuesday 9 July 2013

Opening our eyes

Recently we had a few days holiday at the coast - it was wonderful to have the break (and 'YES' it did rain again!) Anyway, one of the awesome things we got to do was to snorkel in some little rock pools. My observation with snorkeling is that you have no clue how beautiful the ocean is, until you put you head under the water. As soon as you push your head under the water a whole new world opens up before your eyes. It is amazing to see all the fish and creatures under water.

It can be the same with God, faith and the Scriptures. We have no clue how awesome and inspiring our Faith can be, until we push ourselves to go deeper. It is only when we go below the surface that our eyes are opened to a whole new world.

Psalm 119:18 - "Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law."

May you and I be willing to go deeper with God today.

Living in Grace

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So true! I definitely need to go deeper. I have ventured deeper over the last couple of months and my eyes have seen so much, my heart sings!The odd thing about us humans is we always seem to do this when we in a dark place. Now that things are better the depth seems an effort but this analogy is so true and shows what is awaiting us all x