Monday 11 March 2013

Recognising strength in others - Lent 21

It is not often that people rejoice in the strong points of others. Admitting that someone else is better, or stronger, than we are, is very humbling. Yet, in Psalm 21 David does exactly this - he praises the strength of the Lord and offers to sing praise to God's might.

We may think that this is an obvious thing to do and so what makes David special for doing this? However, in an age where kings guarded their kingdoms with jealous care, David recognises that even he (as king of Israel) serves a far greater God.

"The king rejoices in your strength, Lord.How great is his joy in the victories you give!" - Psalm 21:1

"Be exalted in your strength, Lord;we will sing and praise your might." - v.13

Are you able to acknowledge the strengths of other Christians without becoming jealous of their gifting? Perhaps it is worth praying about today.

Living in Grace

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