Tuesday 29 May 2012

What do you call God?

In Old Testament times the Israelites revered God so much that they called God YHWH. This was a term of respect and awe - Yahweh - was as personal as we got when we spoke to God.

However, things changed when Jesus came along. He tells us to call God, Abba, which means 'daddy.' Suddenly our relationship with the Eternal God moves from one of 'distance' to one of 'intimacy.' Sadly though, many Christians still struggle to communicate with the Lord in moments of intimacy. They feel to uncomfortable to speak of God as a parent or close friend. Yet, this is exactly what Jesus instructed his disciples to do. If you don't believe me, go and read the first few chapters of Matthew and read the Lord's prayer again. Take note of how it starts - "Abba father..."

 "To love God, means to call him ...ABBA" - Scot McKnight

Prayer: Our loving Dad, thank you for opening the doors of intimacy with you. It is so wonderful to know that when we speak with you, that there doesn't need to be any religious protocol - we can just be ourselves in your presence. Teach us to hunger and thirst for a deeper relationship with you and not to only give you the scraps of our time. Amen.

Living in Grace

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