Sunday 17 October 2010

How do I engage?

I am thankful for all the intriguing and inspirational comments that I get from people, but I have been asked recently (by more than 1 person) "How do I engage with the blog devotions?" So for those of you who are interested here is the step by step procedure:

1. Open the email and go to the bottom of the page.
2. Find the sentence that says "You are subscribed to email updates from Living in Grace" - Click on the Blue underlined 'Living in Grace' part.
3. If you have internet this will take you directly to the blog site.
4. You will see the same 'devotion' in a similar format. At the bottom of the devotion is a Blue 'comments' link. Take pity on me and click on that:)
5. Write your comment in the box provided.
6. Choose your identity - just use the "Name" or "Anonymous" option if you aren't sure.
7. Click on "Publish your comment"
8. Whalla - it's done:)

If your head is spinning and you aren't into learning something new today, then just reply to my email address and I will get the comment. The only down side of this, is that no one else gets to appreciate your wisdom.

Be Blessed.

Living in Grace,

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