Wednesday 8 September 2010

What do you dream?

As someone who spends a lot of time thinking, planning and dreaming about 'Ministry' and 'Church', I realise that often our hopes and dreams are hampered by what I want to refer to as "the human element." I know that this is a huge paradox, because ministry is always in relation to people and Church can never be effective without community. So the very thing that makes both ministry and church work, can be the very thing that hinders effectiveness.

If you could dream one thing for your Christian community, what would it be? Here are a few random starters...

That people were more committed?
That Churches would work together?
That people were less self-absorbed?
That people loved each other more?
That Churches had more resources?
That Christians actually read the Bible and lived out it's message?

Please don't stop dreaming! But also try and live out your dream and see how this changes the lives of others. Come on, just do it! I dare you...

John 13:15 - I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.

Living in Grace,

P.S. Remember that you can record your 'Life Dreams' at for FREE

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