Monday 9 August 2010

I pictured him to be different!

When we read the writings of famous authors, we put together an image of how we expect them to look. Just think about some of your favourite authors and what image comes to your mind? Have you ever thought about this when you are reading from the Bible?

To be honest I had a certain 'image' in my mind of the Apostle Paul and I was quite content with this, until I read this description of him (from a 2nd century historian):

"A man small in size, with meeting eyebrows and a rather large nose, bald-headed, bow-legged, strongly built, full of grace; for at times he looked like a man, and at times he had the face of an angel."

Paul seems different all of a sudden!

So, how do you picture Simon Peter, or Matthew or even Jesus? What has shaped our minds to come up with a particular 'image' of these people? When we meet them face-to-face will we stop for a second and say, "I thought you looked different!"

Just pondering:)

Living in Grace,

1 comment:

Pete Lange said...

must be true - this cave painting found in rome looks the same...