Monday 8 February 2010

God is closer than you think

If we make the assumption that God is only present in our places of worship (Churches, chapels etc), then we have clearly missed the message of the Bible.

God was with Adam in the Garden of Eden,
With Jacob in the open spaces near Bethel,
With Joseph in prison,
With David while he hid in the cave,
With Gideon in the winepress,
With Daniel in the lion's den,
With the disciples in the boat,
With the 2 men on the road to Emmaus,
With Peter as he spoke to the crowds at Pentecost.

Stop for a moment. Breathe deeply.
Can you sense that God is with you right now?
Wherever you are, remember that 'God is closer than we think!'

Living in His Grace,

P.S. I will be blogging a bit more about this over the next few weeks as we are doing a preaching series on this topic. We are going to be using some of .John Ortberg's helpful material

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well I to but I think the brief should have more info then it has.