Wednesday 26 August 2009

Praying on the run

Most of our prayers are done on the run. Yes, we do have moments where we are fortunate to have a 'quiet time' with the Lord, but most believers admit that their prayers are done whilst running from one thing to the next. This has certainly been my experience the past few days.

It is good to be able to 'pray continually', as this indicates that our relationship with God is not confined to a Church building. However, if this is the only time we pray (on the run), then perhaps we miss out on hearing God speak into our situations. This morning I arrived 5 minutes early for a meeting and I felt I needed a few moments with God, before I rushed into the meeting. So, I sat in the car and prayed (some of you can relate to this). In the end, those 5 minutes have saved my day.

Here are a few thoughts to take into the day:

"In quietness and confidence shall be your strength." - Isaiah 30:15

"Those who wait on the Lord ... shall run and not be weary." - Isaiah 40:31

So, continue to pray 'everywhere' and 'on every occasion', but let's not neglect the practise of praying 'away' from the rush of life.

"Unless we come apart and rest awhile, we may just plain come apart." - Havner

Grace and peace,

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